Does anyone know if Create has any form of timeout on API function calls ? So inbound calls (in this case GENERIC types).
Cant find anything obvious …
Does anyone know if Create has any form of timeout on API function calls ? So inbound calls (in this case GENERIC types).
Cant find anything obvious …
It would appear to be 1 minute (60 seconds).
So - how do I change this ?
or maybe someone has an idea how I could do say pagination of results.
As a bit of context, we are importing a bunch of legacy record data into a new create solution (~ 40k records) and this will need to be made available to an external MI solution for reporting purposes.
There is no way 40k records can be processed for output in under the 1m observed timeout so I need to either configure this timeout (which im feeling is not possible on my end) or find a way to allow paginated calls of some kind.
The expectation longer term is that this MI solution will call create (daily) to get “updates” which will number in the small 10s or 100s so less of an issue on an ongoing basis. Its the initial bulk load that is proving problematic.
Hi there!
Do you happen to have received any response or solution regarding pagination? I have a similar use case including 700k records, but also 2k records on a daily base.
Thank you in advance!
I had a brief play with this a few months ago but not furthered after.
For this I have done the following:
Essentially, the API returns ALL records but the processor intervenes and takes a ‘slice’ out of the data and only returns that in the response.
In my example it receives 3 properties: see “API Function - pagination - HTTP Request variables .png”
Add this processor to the Basics Tab “Response data processor” see “API Function - pagintion - Response data processor setting.png”
@param {Object} The raw fields
@param {Object} Context details
@returns {Object} Processed data
main: function(fields, context) {
let startNumber = params.context.request.startNumber
let numberToReturn = params.context.request.numberToReturn
let data = fields.payload;
let obj = JSON.parse(fields.payload);
if(startNumber != “” && numberToReturn != “”){
let slice = obj.slice(startNumber,numberToReturn);
fields.payload = JSON.stringify(slice);
return fields;
return fields;
Thats really helpful and was thinking of something like this.