Booking Feature Advice - Restrict bookings to 1 week from today

We are looking to use the booking feature in 10.1 (we’ll be upgraded soon to 10.2, but will need to deliver in 10.1 first).

This will be used in a public facing form allowing users to book Archive Centre documents (maps, newspapers, birth records, etc) and desk space.
Where I’m hitting a dead end is the Archive Centre require 1 week’s notice to allow sufficient time to delve into the archives and pull out the requested documents.

The booking widget defaults to the current week, ideally I’d like to configure it to default to the week containing available slots 7 days from today.


Afternoon Craig,

Please bear with us whilst we look into this for you.

At first glance there doesn’t appear to be an obvious way to achieve this, however we are looking into alternative options.


Adam Mills

Morning Craig,

As anticipated we don’t yet have a simple way of implementing this at present.

It may be possible to create the same effect by using the auto-booking feature to retire slots on a scheduled basis that are within the 7-day threshold and then use the select next available booking option to switch the calendar automatically to a week ahead, but this will depend on your use case.

If you are happy to message me directly with links to the page, calendar, and diary with a summary of the use case, I or someone in the core team will be happy to take a look for you.

In the meantime, I will raise a feature request on your behalf as we can see clearly how this use case would be useful.

Many thanks for your patience.

Adam Mills

Hi Adam,
Thanks for this. I’ll hopefully get the pages and calendar over to you today.
