Connecting to MATS via SFTP

Good morning,

Is there a way we can connect to the MATS platform via an FTP client so that we can initiate the transfer of files into or out of the platform from the external source?

We are looking to push data into the platform but can’t see how to initiate the connection from the outside as it were.


Morning Dominic,

If you wish to manually initiate the file transfer might using import be a viable option?

Alternatively you could set up an event on a button to initiate the SFTP transfer or if you wished to do it programatically a simple post or get call.

Does that help you?

Many Thanks

Adam Mills

Morning Adam,
Thanks for coming back so quickly.

Is MATS acting as an FTP client itself, so things are exclusively pulled and pushed from the MATS side?

Is it possible to set it up so we could initiate the Push/Pull from our server?


Yes Liberty Create / MATS operates as an FTP client and not a server.
There is no way to trigger the pull from your FTP server.
There is a possibility we could set-up a server you could push too which Create could then subsequently poll.

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Thanks Adam.

I’ll feed that back to our system architect and see what he wants to do.

Thanks for your time!