Converse Web-hooks (Walk-in Queuing Module)

We are currently working with the Walk-in Queuing Module, specifically the Converse integration.

I have setup web-hooks within Converse to notify Create when interactions are queued, accepted and ended. I can see from the web-hook event log that these API’s are been sent.

However when i check the API endpoint history within Create each request is failing with the error ‘E110 Endpoint authentication Failed’.

Does Converse need to send an authentication token?, if so would someone be able to guide me through this?.

Thanks in advance.

Hi Karl - I have used Converse web-hooks successfully in a number of ways. Might be worth a quick screen share to look at your config?

That said, from memory Walk In Queuing normally uses Outbound API call to Converse to notify the team that someone is waiting to be seen. So normally the Connection URL and Secret are configured as part of the connection / call setup. I don’t think I’ve seen anyone sending web-hooks to Create as part of this but happy to have a look and get the right people lined up if we need extra support.