Lets say I had a custom .ttf font file.
Is there any way to include that into a CS stylesheet in order to use.
I’m not referring to any specific syntax here I’m just wondering if its doable.
Lets also assume this is not a font I can access via URL - I only have the .ttf (or similar) file.
Hi Haydn,
You can import font families via a ttf file (uploaded as an asset in build studio) or via a URL. These should be included in your early stylesheet.
You can do this in your early stylesheet by referring as
@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Source+Sans+Pro');
@font-face {
font-family: HelveticaNow;
src: url("/file/asset_file/bold/HelveticaNowDisplayBold.ttf");
font-weight: bold;
With the latter being uploaded into the assets section of build studio.
Hope this helps.
That’s exactly what I was looking for - had entirely overlooked adding as an asset file.
Seems to be working a treat