Environment specific CSS or Theming

Is there a way to apply a different CSS or theme to dev and live (we would like to make it more obvious which environment people are in as we get more devs involved to minimise risk of building in the wrong place)

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It would be great if we could have this. I often accidentally end up in the wrong environment when I have them all open. Let me know if you find a way.

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The easiest solution would be to create two themes: build and live. In the build theme, change the colour of the header bar. This way you can change the themes as required. I always create a ‘green’ header theme for my dev/test environments and change them to ‘red’ header theme as they progress for the live environments. I believe in the new versions of Create you could add custom javascript which can add code to the body tag allowing you to only have one theme which changes automatically depending on the environment.