I need a way to recalculate a subset at a specific time of the day, as I have a bookings page that shows teams meetings customers can join through netcall. The issue is subsets are recalculated every 5 minutes when set to high.
This means that if the following subset is recalculated @ 9:28, the user wont see the meeting until its recalculated @ 9:33.
I’d like to recalc the subset at @ 9:29, 9:30 and 12:29,12:30 and 13:29, 13:30 and 16:29 and 16:30 to ensure the booking is listed when it should.
As the page refreshes every 60 seconds this should do the trick.
Is there a way of firing a subset recalc from a signal…or a better way of doing this?