With a stunning, completely re-designed builder experience, customised theming with CSS and a powerful new Code Studio, last week saw the release of a major update to our already powerful Low-code platform; MATS V10.
MATS V10 makes it faster and easier than ever for professional developers to design responsive and accessible business applications that deliver a great user experience to staff, customers and all other users.
What’s new in MATS V10?
The addition of the Code Studio in MATS V10 is pivotal in the evolution of the MATS Low-code platform.
For complex applications, customisations are sometimes required to deliver the last 5% of the functionality. Historically, these needs have been met by code extensions, developed by us. The Code Studio empowers businesses to deliver their own customisations.
The Code Studio sits outside of the Build Studio so that controlled access can be given to professional developers. Developers will write their customisations in JavaScript – one of the core web development technologies. JavaScript plug-ins will then be executed server-side.
A collection of standard functions will be available to developers. These include getting and setting record data and firing events on records. Output data can be routed to the ‘Detective’ function to provide log and error handling and enable debugging.
Why would you Custom Code?
- Create your own Custom Code to decide which case handler should be allocated a case to automate a manual triage process.
- Transform the way data is displayed – convert a phone number into standard notation +44 (0) 9999 999999 regardless of input.
- Perform operations on data sets contained in API requests – use a currency field to modify another.
- Create dynamic data handling – show a running tax total of the line items you add. Or make a field mandatory dependent on other entries.
- Perform a custom data validation check – check the number plate format based on a country selected on the form.
Styling your application
The Code Studio is also home to Styles. Designers and developers familiar with CSS can heavily customise the theming and appearance of their application – keeping the sales and marketing teams happy! Styles scope includes setting Bootstrap Sass (Syntactically awesome style sheets) variables and use of Sass within extended CSS.
Even more exciting new features
On top of all the new functionality, over the last 12 months we’ve also rolled out new features for IT governance, GDPR compliance, application integration and application performance management:
- IT governance – The MATS Controller gives IT teams an easy way to view and manage multiple applications built with MATS. A build validation feature allows IT teams to review application components, pinpoint any issues (e.g. if a component depends on another, missing component), and prioritise them for fixing.
- Application integration – MATS V10 includes an easy-to-use generic REST API adaptor that enables IT teams or citizen developers to configure APIs to integrate MATS-built applications with other enterprise applications in the organisation’s estate.
- Application performance management – MATS Detective enables IT teams to monitor and manage the performance of MATS-built applications, and to understand the likely impact of scaling applications to many users.
- GDPR compliance – as part of a continuing programme of development to keep MATS up to date with compliance legislation, MATS helps personally-identifiable data under the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) to be flagged as such and held centrally. Additional controls for retention will complement audit trail and encryption feature