Open link in new tab (from a snippet)

Hi, we have a snippet with an external webpage link. The snippet is displayed on a page in an ‘info by template’ widget. There’s no option to set the target as ‘new tab’ for the link. Looking at the source code of the snippet, I can’t see how to add the target="_blank" attribute as the markup is not straightforward.
Any ideas?

Hi James,

Whats the version of the application you’re building on?


Hi James,

If you need to add a link to an external URL you can edit the template and click the “Source” button. There you can add HTML code for your link. For example:

<a href="" target="_blank">link</a>

In Frontend you will see a normal link, which will open in a new tab.



I have the same issue now. Please can you post the syntax for that link that goes in the template, as I’m unable to see it.


Hi @kevin.rowe
@pavel.kolev forgot to format the link as code when he posted. Should be clear now
Cheers, Tony