Reports of issues with password reset on Portal

We seem to get quite a lot of reports from customers that they are not able to reset their password from the ‘Forgot password’ option.

Having done a lot of testing I’ve found that this appears to only be on certain types of email address where the link within the reset email sent to the customer doesn’t appear as a link but as plain text which then has to be copied and pasted. This does open the password reset page but when submitted the page says ‘Failed to authenticate’.

I wondered if anybody had come across the same issue with customer password resets and if anybody had any ideas for a solution.

Hi Cathy, I’m sorry to hear that your are having issues. I shall pass this on to a colleague who should be able to assist you further.

Regards - MP

Hi Cathy, could you please clarify if this is a Community login issue or an issue with one of your Create Apps?

Thanks - MP

Hello Mark
This is logging onto our Portal (Central) rather than an app.

We’re still struggling with this.
We decided we would try using the option of Authentication code so created a new Authentication Flow which is basically a copy of the default and then we have changed the Credential Source on step 2 to Auth code from email. When tested this doesn’t send an email at all so we tried setting the Credential Source back to Auth link from email and an email is still not sent.

Any ideas on this would be appreciated.