We are trying to setup a series of standard flows so that they can be easily reused within a new flow. We have created a folder one one of our RPA bot servers, shared it to the other servers, and mapped it to the Z drive on those servers. This means we can set the Flow path for a sub-flow to this mapped drive and then the flow we wish to reuse, and the bot can access this no issue. The problem comes when I then try to refer to a non-reusable sub-flow via a relative path; the bot is unable to find this sub-flow. I suspect it is looking in the location where the reusable flows are stored. I have tried using the full file path for the server with the reusable flows and still have the issue. I have tried to store the default working path and returning to it after accessing the reusable flows path but the sub-flow activity doesnt seem to support variables in the Flow path. Image below shows the demo flow I created for this.
Anyone got any ideas how to get round this? Or would I be best implementing reusable flows as a location where the flows can be copied into the current flow, rather than being referenced directly in their stored location?
Hi Ali, It is recommended to keep non reusable flows including main flow in a single project folder. Refer to the subflow as shown below:

Hi Manpreet
All of the non-reusable sub-flows are in the same folder as the main flow and if the flow only consists of these then referencing them as just the name of the flow works well. I presume that reusable sub-flows could be kept in a separate folder? How would I reference this folder/the flows within it in a flow path? In my experience it would then need to be the full path to the alternate folder but any subsequent sub-slow activities that try to reference a non-reusable sub-slow fail to locate it.
Hi Ali, It is not recommended to call ‘non reusable’ flows from within ‘reusable’ flows. I hope that clarifies your doubts.
Hi Manpreet
I think i’m explaining poorly. I’m trying to call both reusable and non-reusable flows from within a main flow, where the reusable flows are in a different folder to the main flow and non-reusable flows. I’ve emailed you a simplified example.
Got it, I have tested it and you’re right subflow node is not picking up non-reusable flows from same folder using relativepath that appear after executing the reusable flow using the full path. I’ll raise a bug for this. Please ensure you also raise a nest ticket for this. Thanks.
Hi Ali, A fix has been applied for this issue. Please download latest installer from your controller. Let me know if you still face this issue. Thanks.
I’ve already applied it and it has fixed the issue.