Rules run in Background Not following Sibling Order


I am having an issue where I have three rules with the same base object, triggered by an event. They are selected to run in the background and forced to a specific worker, Worker D. When I execute the event to trigger this set of rules the sibling order is not followed. As soon as I switch them to foreground process, it works as expected.

Kind Regards,

Hi Carl,

Are all rules in that sibling order running in the background i.e. there is just these 3, or there’s 5 but you only want 3 to run background?


Hi Carl,

It only has three rules. Say the sibling order is A,B,C. When executing the order is A,C,B

Kind regards,

Hi Carl,

Interesting, as long as all rules in the sibling order are backgrounded then they should respect order when executing. You will need to raise this one via normal support channels for some further investigation.

If it’s a matter of urgency a simple workaround would be:

Event → Backgrounded Rule → Triggers another event → Triggers rules A,B,C in “foreground” in order.

The first rule being background triggering your 3 rules will still detach it from the front end so you get the same effect but your 3 rules should then run in order.


Thanks Carl

I will give that a test.

Kind regards,

Another workaround would be:

  • Event A1 → Triggers rule A

  • Event A1 → Triggers event B1 (a separate rule for this)

  • Event B1 → Triggers rule B

  • and so on
