Trigger flow with email with attachment

I’m triggering a flow with the email option. It will be an external company sending the email with some attachments so I can either give them the generated email or create a rule that forwards their email to the correct flow email address.
My problem is about how to access the data included in the email. I get the other parameters like subject, body, etc. But I cannot see how to get the attachments.

What would be a workaround or the way to solve this problem?

Hi @ana.yndurain

thank you for your question.

I believe this query has been resolved, can you confirm?

thank you


Hi Lisa,

I’m doing a workaround where I set up a rule on outlook to forward this email to trigger the job, then the job goes back to open outlook, get the original email, download the attachment etc. But that’s a lot of work and prone to errors (like an unexpected window popping up when trying to open outlook, or folder name issues etc.)
What I’d like is that the original email, with the attachment, triggers the job and the job can directly read this attachment (like it can read body, subject, etc)
Is that possible?

Hi Ana, this would require controller to pass files/attachments as parameters to the RPA job. Feel free to raise this as an idea in the ideas portal for controller.
