We've got another Widget!

Our Friday focus is on another new Widget - the Drop Zone File Uploader. “What’s that?” I hear you ask!

Well, it’s a great partner to yesterday’s Widget, the Image Gallery Viewer. This Widget allows single or multiple files to be selected via Windows Explorer and dropped into it’s drop zone, automatically creating records.

So, you could grab a bunch of image files, drop them in this Widget and then immediately see them in the Image Gallery viewer. Pretty neat huh?

These Widgets, and all the others, are available here.

Have a great weekend, Tony


There seems to be an issue with the image gallery widget, or at least in 2021.3 anyway. The slideshow controls remain in the HTML when you click away to another page, and without the css file in the widget the controls are visible. If the css file is added as a host Stylesheet using Code Studio it hides them across pages. However, if you go backwards and forwards between Build Studio and the interface of particular pages (probably the page the slideshow is on) then the controls become visible again

Thanks for reporting, we’ll take a look and get back to you.

Many Thanks

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