Working example of saving Date and time?

Anyone out there have a working example of where you save a “Date and Time”?

I’ve been trying to get it to work, and while the save succeeds the results are a garbage date and time.

The call is really simple:

var ts = new Date(2020, 04, 04, 11, 45, 00);	// month is an index so 04 = May
cs.log("Date and time = " + ts);

var result =
			":id"	: fei_rec_id,
			"OCL_FEI_fld_fei_next_value"	: next_value,
			"OCL_FEI_fld_fei_last_reset"	: ts

cs.log("Save results = " + JSON.stringify(result));

This version results in the following in the Detective:

‘Date and time = Mon May 04 2020 11:45:00 GMT-0600 (Mountain Daylight Time)
Note that date and time are correct
Saved Record 1027 (OCL>Util> Formatted Entity Identifier) in 0.0053s for rule OCL>R&D> initialize new document
Event Record modified triggered on Record 1027 (OCL>Util> Formatted Entity Identifier)
Save results = {“status”:true,“records”:{“base”:{“record_id”:1027,“action”:“modified”,“fields”:{“:PRO0000130EBEEB1”:{“old”:“20”,“new”:21},“:PRO0000128EBEEB1”:{“old”:“0000-00-00 00:00:00”,“new”:“-0001-11-30 00:00:00”}}}},“subset_review”:null}’
Something that looks like a date has been saved, but it isn’t the right date!

Setting ts thus:
var ts =;

produces results that look a little more like a valid date, but not the right one:

Date and time = 1588617641295
Saved Record 1027 (OCL>Util> Formatted Entity Identifier) in 0.0038s for rule OCL>R&D> initialize new document
Event Record modified triggered on Record 1027 (OCL>Util> Formatted Entity Identifier)
Save results = {“status”:true,“records”:{“base”:{“record_id”:1027,“action”:“modified”,“fields”:{“:PRO0000130EBEEB1”:{“old”:“22”,“new”:23},“:PRO0000128EBEEB1”:{“old”:null,“new”:“52311-04-16 23:08:15”}}}},“subset_review”:null}

Setting TS to a mySql formatted date string results in a NULL.

So, I’m guessing that I am missing something simple, again.

Thoughts, examples, and loving dope-slaps greatly appreciated.



Hi Randy

All values passed through one of the record persistence functions are expected in the ‘editable’ form - that is, what you’d see if you were to display the field on a form with an editable field.

Typically, this defaults as dd/mm/yy and can be found under Locale > Defaults or via


Hope that helps!

To add to the above, be aware that if/when using raw timestamps within Create, they are expected in seconds, e.g 1588669298 whereas within JavascriptLand via you’ll get the timestamp back in milliseconds - hence the year of 52311 you’re seeing there :slight_smile:

A quick division before passing the timestamp to Create will set you on your way.

Thanks Mark. I’ll give both a try.

I didn’t mention it, but I had tried passing the Date through the “String to editable date” Field Processor, with no joy. I’ll play with that again as well.



Another option is to convert date formats - I have had loads of fun getting these correct. For, date format needs to be dd/mm/yyyy with leading zeros as appropriate. I use the following function:

function date_to_create (dt) {
let dx = (“0” + dt.getDate()).slice(-2) + “/” + (“0” + (dt.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2) + “/” + dt.getFullYear();
return dx;

just use date_to_create(ts) in place of ts.