I have an app that displays the steps of a Work Item on a webpage and allows the entry of data. The issue is when the data is captured, an error/warning message is shown, although the data has update correctly.
the setup is follows:-
Work Instruction 1toMany WI Steps
Work Instruction 1toMany Work Item Data
The webpage has a base object of Work Instruction
The page displays the Work Instruction No & Name in a nuggets widget
The page displays a list of the WI Steps in a list widget
The page displays the Work Item Data fields in a form to be entered with a submit button
Everything displays ok, and the Work Item data can be entered.
On pressing the submit button, the data updates correctly, but the page returns a message " Context record’s object does not match page’s context object."
If everything has updated correctly, why does the message show?
Is there a way to prevent this?