Auto Logout contact centre agents

I have agents who assure me they are logging off each day and also that they are closing down their PC but they are still showing as available on a queue. I believe there was a setting to automatically log out an agent when their PC was shut down but I can’t find it to check if this is still set.

How do I check that agents will be logged off on PC shut down? And if this isn’t now a setting, how do I get round people remaining logged on at the end of the day?

Thank you

Under “Contact Centre”,
Select the required Group and
click “Advanced” on the side menu.

Under “Agent Settings” is an option: “Automatically log out agents on exit:” - tick the box to enable it.


There is a pop-up note next to this that says, “Web browser only - this setting is always enabled for agents using the Desktop application”

Hope that helps.

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Thank you, that’s what I was expecting to see so thought I was going crazy when I couldn’t find it. And I couldn’t find it because it’s not there on mine

It does log out agent after “Not Responding” but I’m more interested in when we’re closed and people remaining logged in affecting the stats of idle time.

Oh, that’s interesting - I’ve not seen that “…after ‘Not Responding’” option before.
May be it’s a feature on a newer version? We’re currently on 5.10.3

Good morning @CathyS, and @chris.goodchild.
When we upgraded Converse, we lost that functionality also. Since the upgrade, the status of agents who don’t actually log out before closing their browser is “frozen” on the dashboards and that can be misleading when considering who is/isn’t available.
Looking at the notes for 5.12, it seems the change was made then and the auto-log out functionality was changed to the not responding feature.

Just an upvote, our CSC team would prefer to have this feature returned as an option for the same reason, please.

Hello everyone,

I’m Jonathan Gunner, the Product Success Manager for Liberty Converse and Converse CX.

I wanted to take a moment to explain the recent changes we’ve made to the auto-logout functionality starting from Converse 5.12, which we’ve also implemented in Converse CX.

Why We Changed the Auto-Logout Process:

Previously, the system determined when to auto-log out agents by monitoring the connection between the agent’s application (either browser or desktop app) and our servers. If there was no activity detected for at least a minute, we assumed the session had ended (due to the browser/app being closed) and, if auto-logout was enabled, the agent would be logged out of their group.

This approach worked well for many years. However, updates from Google and Microsoft introduced power optimization features in Chrome and Edge. These updates cause inactive tabs to “sleep,” which disconnects the session from Converse—even when the agent is still actively working but hasn’t interacted with the app for a while or has minimized it to focus on other tasks.

As a result, many customers had to disable the auto-logout feature to avoid unintended logouts.

Our New Approach:

To address this, we’ve introduced a new method. Now, the system will trigger an auto-logout if an agent fails to accept a set number of consecutive interactions (calls, emails, chats). This approach ensures agents are only logged out when there’s a clear indication they are unavailable, rather than relying solely on background connection status.

We Value Your Feedback:

We understand this change may impact your workflows differently, and we’d love to hear your thoughts. If this new approach doesn’t work well for your team, please share your feedback with us. It will help us continue refining the experience to better meet your needs.

Thank you for your continued support.

Best regards,

Jonathan Gunner
Product Success Manager, Liberty Converse & Converse CX

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Hi Jonathan,
I was wondering if you could clarify the circumstances required for the auto log out to happen with the new process. We only appear to have on user reporting being logged out which is a user who works on our main reception so isn’t always active on Liberty, however my attempts to recreate the logout don’t seem to be working as sitting idle doesn’t log me out.
Our settings are currently set to a 30 second Not Responding time and 3 occurances log you out.

Hi Lennon,

To clarify, sitting idle wont result in a log out. If we present a call, email or chat to the agent and they dont answer it within the maximum alerting duration, this counts as 1 attempt. If the agent fails to accept 2 further consecutive attempts to reach them then that will initiate the auto logout.

We do add an entry to the Agent Audit log to indicate when this has happened.

One thing to check is if Sleeping Tabs is enabled in the Browser. This is an energy-saving option within Edge (and other browsers) that puts tabs to sleep if inactive for a period of time. This can cause the app to stop sending requests to the system.

To be honest, this seems a messy solution. If sleeping tabs were the cause of unintentional logouts, surely the answer would be to advise people to stop those tabs from going to sleep. We have done this for all users. If the computer goes to sleep or is shut down without the agent logging out, that should mean they would still log out.

The ‘new’ solution means that an agent could potentially be presented with a call when they aren’t even signed in, plus the skewing of all the stats.

Perhaps a better way would be to allow admins to decide which functionality they would like by including both options/behaviours. Could that be considered?

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Hi Garry,

Thanks for sharing your thoughts—we really appreciate the feedback.

Preventing sleeping tabs is indeed a possible solution, and it’s great that you’ve been able to implement this across your users. However, many organisations found it difficult to enforce consistently, especially in environments with remote users or managed devices where browser settings aren’t always customisable.

We understand the concerns around agents potentially being presented with interactions when they are no longer available, and we’ll be monitoring feedback closely to see how this impacts different teams. At this stage, we believe the current approach offers a more reliable way to manage auto-logouts across a range of scenarios, but we’ll continue to assess how well it works in practice.

Please do keep sharing any further insights or challenges you experience—it’s really helpful as we refine the platform.

Best regards,

Jonathan Gunner
Product Success Manager, Liberty Converse & Converse CX

Hi All.

Reading this thread, it’s clear we’ve not yet cracked this problem to everyone’s satisfaction.

I see that a couple of people have said that they weren’t having any issues with the sleeping tabs problem with the old auto-logout feature as they managed to configure Edge/Chrome to disable it - have I got that right? Was this when you were using the browser or the desktop app?

I’ve also seen comments that even with the latest version, some don’t have any issues in the browser, but they do in the desktop app. If this rings true for anyone, it would be really useful if you could add a comment about your experience here.

There have also been a couple of ideas logged on the ideas portal - would either of these help?

  • Implement a new feature to auto-logout all agents at a specific time (eg. 7pm) to ensure that no agents are inadvertently left logged in overnight.
  • Implement a new feature that means an agent will have a “max login time” - and we automatically log them out after (for example) 12 hours.

If you’re able to provide more information about how this feature is (or isnt) working for you could you post a comment here as I’m really keen to get the bottom of it. When you comment, if you could also let us know what version you are using and whether you’re using the browser or the desktop app.

Thanks everyone!

Hi Sam

Indeed, the sleeping tabs wasn’t an issue in our environment as we’ve implemented the URL exclusion in a Group Policy. So the auto-logout was ideal for our Contact Centre previously, now a supervisor is manually logging agents out at night that forgot to do so.

Previously 5.11.3 now Version: 5.12.8 - browser use by the agents (Desktop App not an option due to iFrame issues with payment systems via using Citizen Hub)

Perhaps the time-based suggestions may work, I would opt though for perhaps a tick-box to re-enable auto-logout how it was, perhaps caveat it with “you must ensure sleeping tabs is disabled before using this feature”.

Many thanks.

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Hello Sam
The issue has mainly been resolved here with training and awareness. There is the odd person forgets but very infrequently now. We never had a problem with the auto logout previously so would be happy if this function was reintroduced. Alternatively an auto logout at a specific time could work well.
Thank you


Currently your WebAgent application allows an agent to logoff their Windows session without clicking the “X” in the top right hand corner of WebAgent (which would then log the Agent’s NetCall session out cleanly) also using the “switch user” option within Windows 10/11 and therefore can end up getting calls sent to the wrong client device if they use a different PC (e.g., this causes numerous issues within an organisation which has such a “switch user” Hot desking type culture.
Answer = only allow an agent logged in via WebAgent to have single session login or at least flag with a user that they are logged in elsewhere and decide which device they want calls sent to. Thanks Tony NWAFT NHS Hospitals