Change button colour in Case Stage List & Advance Widget

Is it possible to change the colour of the “Complete” button in the Case Stage & Advance widget?

Hi @askelly ,

Yes it’s possible :slight_smile: however you will need to apply a stylesheet on your theme and add the relevant CSS in the stylesheet.

I’ve provided below the code to use to change this, and all you would need to do is change the HEX value to your desired colour.

.keystage_complete_wrapper .btn-save {
  background-color: #333;

The tick icon on the left of the button is a separate element, but you can also control the background colour for it too, by adding the following to your stylesheet also:

.keystage_complete_wrapper .btn-save::before {
  background-color: #333;

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

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That is brilliant, thank you so much for that - it has worked

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