Contact Centre Group - Email only queues

Hi all, we have a contact centre group which is set to email only. They want to add outbound calls to this group, but not incoming. Is there a way I can do this, without allowing telephony on the current queues which need to be email only?

I realise I could create another group, but ideally they want reporting etc within the same group. The staff already use 2 groups, I don’t want to add another.

Hi Katie, you just need to add telephony to the group and then allow Click to Dial. As long as you haven’t got any routing rules set up to push telephone calls to the queues within the group (which it sounds like you haven’t), they won’t receive any inbound calls. Hope this makes sense - happy to talk you through this if required.

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Great Answer @ross_mcqueen. Also, a thing to note is your queue won’t receive a call if you don’t route any calls to it. You can also go into the Queue Settings and at the bottom - check the following box.


This will stop any Agent being able to transfer a call to the Queue by accident.


Hi @ross_mcqueen / @JonathanRedsell thanks both! If I hide the queue in the directory, does this mean agents wont be able to transfer emails between queues? The service does need to transfer between queues, they do this daily currently.

My concern is, that we have ‘email only’ queues which other groups may attempt to transfer calls too…

@KatieEllison Yes it would - hiding the queue in the transfer directory would mean that advisors can’t see it.
We have a couple of queues like that, but are for chat/messaging only, rather than email. One of them, for our benefits service, is called “Benefits (Chat Only)” so that staff know not to transfer calls to it. I couldn’t find another way around it and communicated to staff that they must not transfer calls to that queue. Hope this helps.

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Thanks Ross - were going to give that a try.

@JonathanRedsell just to query - will having brackets in a queue name cause any issues in the background? (from past experience it caused problems having brackets in a Group name)

@KatieEllison That’s a good point - we’ve had it set up with brackets for a couple of years and it doesn’t cause any problems. However if I try to create a new queue with brackets, it won’t let me. You could always do something like “Benefits - EMAIL ONLY”. It does allow dashes…

Databases don’t like () very much so these were removed from being allowed to be added. You can keep your old ones though. Ross is right you can use - which work well.