When building screens within the Mats platform it is possible to show field history. This is great and allows users to see when a value has changed, by whom and when.
One of the challenges I have at the moment is to reconcile a large batch of records, so creating an extract that would inform me of what changes have been made against properties would be great.
Does anyone know if it is possible to create an export file within the platform to show what changes have taken place against a specific properties?
Is there a processor that allows this or does any one have the code to create a new processor to enable this?
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Hi Andy,
My name is Mark and I am a Platform Solution Developer here at MatsSoft and I’m here to help you.
With regard to your current issue, I will say the following:
You are obviously aware of the on screen History Clock capability that displays the historic changes to values within fields, but I guess you are looking for this as a data extract you can utilise in order to save having to do a case by case, screen by screen, field by field, manual audit I’m guessing?
Unfortunately the data displayed in the History Clocks is not data that can easily be accessed. However I am in a meeting tomorrow with some of our senior technical staff and will will ask some questions and update you when I am fully aware of exactly what we can get to and how to get at it.
Thank you for posting this question on the Forum.
Regards MP
Hi Mark,
Do you have any further updates on this?
Thanks Andy
Hi Andy,
I was in a meeting at the end of last week discussing future features and suggestions for the platform. I did actually rise your request as it is loosely in common with other similar requests we have received. I have put forward a case to examine the possibility of potentially gaining access in the future, to the data that drives the History Clocks.
I believe we are looking at how feasible this is and we fully recognise the value it would add, if it were possible. That does not sadly help you today, but our Head Developer has asked me to ask you for a specific case use scenario for your need and he will work with me to see if there is anything we can offer you as a solution in the meantime.
If you could possibly give us a little more information as to what you would like, in an ideal world, that would be great. I’m guessing that you would be looking for the ability to show a listing on a page of all Cases that have had field values changed, detailing the Name of the changed field, when it was changed etc, and the ability to report out in a .csv format these records?
Is there anything beyond this you would envisage needing?
Regards - Mark