Credentials Management for API Keys

hi there,

I’m connecting to an external API and am wondering if there is a part of liberty for encrypted credential storage/management?



Hi Peter,

Using Variables we can store credentials reasonably securely.
Create a new Variable under the Data Store menu in Build
Give it an appropriate name, such as xyz key or token etc.
Within the Value field enter a comment to the effect that the value is configurable within the API Admin Area.
Set the Variable as being Editable in Application


Now Save.

In the variables list, the value will always show with the default value you have just set. However, if you now create an Admin page for Key Management somewhere within your admin interface you can add the Variable and Special Record Editor Widget to your new page.


Once in your page you can select which variables you want to manage within the widget.
You can then secure the page as you wish.
Additionally you could use the Hidden Text with Reveal presenter from Appshare to obfuscate the entry and only allow for its replacement within that interface.

Hope this helps.


Ok Adam thanks and are the keys/secrets encrypted in storage by default in liberty create?

Hi Peter,

Not at the moment, but plans are underway to make this happen.

If you would like to support the idea which is currently under review, or would like to add any individual context or requests, please follow the link below:
Idea (
