Display popup based on subset


I’m trying to fire a popup/alert when a user navigates away from a page. The popup should only be dispalyed if the record is in a certain subset. The user should be able to navigate away having ok’d the popup/alert. At the moment I’m stuck between using a popup link (which is displayed every time the user navigates away from the page) and an event action using cs.notify_warning() (which allows the user to navigate away from the page).

Thanks for any help.


How would you trigger the popup when a user navigates away? Do you mean when they navigate away by any means (i.e. clicking any link, or entering a new URL), or by clicking a specific link?

The only native feature of this sort is the “Abandon prompt” setting on Form widgets and Widget Groups, which allows a warning to be shown to a user if they navigate away from a form having made changes to it without saving.

And also, what is the purpose of needing to trigger the popup when navigating away? That might help guide any answer.

The user navigates away from the page by clicking a pop-up link which opens a pop-up window with a warning on it if there are open issues on the page (the warning text is based on a subset). If the user clicks cancel on the pop-up window, they can remain on the page and close the issue records. If they click ok they are re-directed to the issues page by the pop-up window. The problem is that the pop-up window appears every time the user clicks on the pop-up link. I only want the pop-up window to be displayed after the user clicks on the pop-up link IF there are open issues on the page.

The abandon prompt doesn’t work for this since the user has not entered any data on the form before they want to move away from it.

Hi Bob, (please also see previous reply). The purpose of triggering the popup is to remind/warn the user that there are open issues on the page and to give them the option of remaining on the page to close the issues before navigating away.

I would suggest having two different links on the page, one that launches the popup, and one that is a normal link to the desired destination page. Then use the Subset restriction on each link such that only one or the other ever shows, whichever is relevant at the time.

Very nice :slight_smile: thanks !