Hi Folks,
Does anyone know if it’s possible to upload files using an event action?
I’m looking to retrieve the the raw content via cURL and then save the file to a ‘file’ object type.
Using a widget for this use case wouldn’t be ideal.
Yes, it is possible, have a look at cs.write_file() in Code Studio help panel.
You can also store file content directly into lets say an Image property for example with the below code
let userRecord = cs.record(123);
let imgData = 'data:' + rsp['img_content_type'] + ';base64,' + cs.base64_encode(rsp['img_content']);
userRecord.set(cs.ref('refToImgField'), imgData)
Hi Ged,
Thanks for your response. I’ve had a go at using cs.write_file() which does create a file but the mime/type is always ‘text/plain’ and doesn’t allow me to view it, so either I’m missing a step here or this method won’t be suitable.
This is the file content I’m getting back from the curl request.
Just read something about cs.write_file()… Out of interest what sort of files are you trying to store?
Ah, I suspected it might be for a different use case.
the files will be mainly (doc, tif, pdf, png, jpg).