Import custom bootstrap variables from another location

Is it possible to include multiple imports within the early CSS, so that we can include our custom variables that are hosted in a repository or another location?

For example


Is it also possible to use imports in the late CSS?

Hi Kevin,

We don’t currently support imports of remote scss files for compilation. It’s not possible with relative paths either, although we will aim to make that possible within Code Studio in future versions.

Even if we do support this in future, a change in the scss file at source would not be detected automatically within MATS. The builder would need to prompt a recompile into CSS.

You could instead importing a CSS file directly from source site (if Access Profiles are configured). This is much less useful and flexible but changes in the source CSS file would then be automatically included within MATS. This would be discouraged though, since a change in an external source file could then break your MATS application making it less resilient.

Let me know if you need any further information.