Is it possible to rename applications?

When we created out applications we gave them names that suited us but we hadn’t fully considered the URL’s. We would not prefer our applications to have more meaningful names, especially for the services customers will interact with online.
So the questions are, is it possible to rename an application and if it is possible how would we do it?

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You can definitely rename the applications from within the Controller - selecting an application and going to the Overview page will enable you to change the Application Name. However, this will not change the subdomain in the URL.

If it was essential to change the URL, then you could create a new application with a more suited name/subdomain, and then apply a snapshot from the existing application to the target application. This won’t carry across any record data of course (databases are separate per application/environment) but would give you the same build configuration with a preferred app name and URL.

Could you do something with DNS? All of our apps are changed from this format to using DNS configuration. (we set up the subdomain and Netcall kindly point our apps at it somehow)

Yes of course that’s also an option that several clients use - a subdomain of a URL you own can resolve at the application. I’m sure you can speak to your account manager about getting that implemented (it will need Netcall system administrators to handle the certifications etc).

Thank you for your responses, a couple of things for us to consider here but at least we know it’s something we can do, we just have to work out what is going to work for us.