Liberty Connect Update - Monitor your usage

Hi everyone,

We are thrilled to announce a new Liberty Connect update with you this week!

New and ready to use, you are now able to monitor usage volumes within your Connect Workspace. This is greatly beneficial so you can monitor billable features and other important metrics, that include:

  • Billable Conversations

  • Proactive Triggers

  • Messages

There are also steps you can take to try and ensure you do not go over your subscription allowance. How? Well, it is possible to set a limit on the number of Proactive Triggers that can be started within a month.

If you would like to find more information about the new updates, please click here.

A look at how Usage Reports will look like:

Note: Data for these reports will start from 1st June 2022 onwards, it will not be possible to view historic data prior to this date.

For more products updates please visit this link.

Let us know what you think of this update down in the comments!

