List Widget Download - Audit Trail

We have a List widget with a search function along with the ability to download the searched-for records. Does anyone know if there is a way to view an audit record of users who have downloaded the records?

We could replace this with a data export and save the files but that would mean we would have to fix parameters from the build end and or let all the record data be downloaded and then filter outside the platform.

Hi Louis,

There is not currently a way out of the box to capture the list “Download as XXX” actions in an audit.

Export file types would be your bet here as you mentioned. If you keep them within the same search widget group inside an information widget the search on page should interact with the results in the export.


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Hi Carl,

Thanks for your advice. I’ve not had a need to use the download link element before as we usually use the import/export widgets. I didn’t realise it filtered the export template based on the page’s search functions that’s really useful to know.

Managed to get something working in short order so my thanks to you.
