Music On Hold on Liberty Converse

Ahh, music, there is nothing like it; unless you’re on hold, then it can be the difference between customers enjoying interacting with you or a rage-induced phone left in pieces incident.

Liberty Converse comes pre-installed with our royalty-free Beach life track ready to wow your customers and brings peace and tranquillity to their on-hold experience.

But let’s say for a second you want something different? How do you go about it?

At Netcall, we can upload any file you want playing for Music on Hold. However, you must ensure you have the right to play the music.

If you are going to play music you don’t own the rights to; then our understanding is you will need a PRS License (This link will show you the available licenses) PRS Licenses. You will want to look at the Playing music at work license. - This points you towards the PPL and PRS Music License web page, which can provide you with information about your needs and you can obtain a quote and purchase your license. It is the customer’s responsibility and NOT that of Netcall to check if you require a license to play music and obtain the correct licenses.

There are other options, though, and a quick web search for “royalty-free music on hold” brings up several options. Some of our favourite if you are interested are these: (Quick disclaimer we do not endorse these and have no control over the websites or anything on pages not controlled by Netcall)

Once you have your music, you will need Netcall to convert and upload it to your system, to which, once done, you will have the ability to select your new masterpiece within each of your Contact Centre and Call Queue settings.

Of course, it would be a great idea to allow you just to upload a .wav file, so why not head over to the Ideas Portal (use the link at the top) and upvote this great idea.

Adding a new Music source that is Royalty-Free and free to use. Royalty Free Music Download - Pixabay