New examples available!

Getting started with an automation is often the hardest part. This is why we introduced a few one-click-examples to get some inspiration and help new Liberty RPA users get an idea on how to set up an end-to-end automation.

Some of the examples that can be selected from the splash screen after booting Liberty RPA Studio:

Access database with Wand
Copy data from an Excel database in an Access database using Liberty RPA Wand. The Access database is accesible through a legacy Access application. Both Access and Excel need to be available to run this example Flow

Automated Bing Searches with Excel
This solution consists of two parts. The first is to retrieve a list of keywords from a table in an Excel file to use in the automation. Using each keyword in the table, a search on Bing will be performed. The flow will loop through all the keywords, search Bing and return results for each. It’s a simple illustration of how data can be retrieved from a source and put to use on the web. This data could come from any source such as a comma separated file (csv), a text file (txt) or from a central database such as MySQL, Google Big Query or Oracle. As well as using each keyword for searching the browser, the data could be put to other uses such as completing a webform, navigating an online interface and filling in data fields.

Invoice Creation in Word
Create and complete a PDF invoice file from a Microsoft Word template with randomly generated data. Use Liberty RPA’s Word activities together with random data activities. Many processes require filling in a standard form or a template. This could be anything from an invoice, a contract or a form. In this case the example will complete an invoice template in Word. The data for this template uses Liberty RPA’s random data activities to generate test data. Test data can be useful for examples such as these and also to stress-test applications or create test cases for all kinds of automation and testing scenarios. Once the template is filled in, the invoice will be exported to PDF format and shown to the user. Because random data activities are being used, each time the process flow is run, the invoice will contain different data

Use data from textfile to fill in Legacy Registration Form
Use Liberty RPA Wand to move data from a data dump in the form of a text file to an old registration form without any formal integration methods. RPA is often used to integrate and exchange data when API endpoints are not available. In this scenario we start from an unstructured data dump with the goal being to parse the data and structurally enter it into a registration form app. The robot begins by parsing the data dump, in this case a raw .txt file. The names and emails it contains are separated by an arbitrarily chosen ‘+’ separator. By using Liberty RPA’s text activities, each item is added to a ‘list’ which is then processed in a loop. For each item in the data dump, Wand is used to fill in the data in the registration form. Wand uses Computer Vision algorithms to detect elements on the screen to help fill in the correct fields in the registration form - just by looking at it! Wand is a powerful tool that allows on screen elements to be quickly found and manipulated in any application.

Change Address in Legacy Terminal Application with user input
Once the user is asked to enter new address details. The robot will then use a legacy terminal application to change the address using Wand and the keyboard. Many processes required access to legacy terminal-based or mainframe applications. In this attended use-case, we combine user input with terminal automation using both Wand and the keyboard to update address details in a terminal based application. Step one has the robot requesting new address details from the user. Once entered, a legacy terminal based application will be started. Using Wand and the keyboard the robot navigates through the terminal application and enters the new address. In a contact centre for example, there may be many occasions where customers’ address details need to be updated across a variety of different backend systems. Rather than take the agent away from servicing the customer to update these systems manually, the robot performs the updates on behalf of the agent. Details can be updated very quickly (without errors), leaving the agent to focus on the customer’s needs.

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