The guys in the Netcall Training team have been busy creating and updating their eLearning course portfolio for Liberty Converse v5. These eLearning courses are now available to our Community members within the myNetcall training portal.
The following Liberty Converse Learning Paths are now available (a Learning Path is a collection of individual courses based on a specific topic)
For Agents we have:
- Liberty Converse: Agent - Working with Telephony
- Liberty Converse: Agent - Working with Email
- Liberty Converse: Agent - Working with Telephony and Email
For Supervisors/Managers we have:
- Liberty Converse: Supervisor with Telephony*
- Liberty Converse: Supervisor with Email*
- Liberty Converse: Supervisor with Telephony and Email*
- Liberty Converse: Supervisor Settings
Each of these Learning Paths contains the Liberty Converse: Supervisor - Reports course within it. This course covers some new functionality present in Liberty Converse 5.1, scheduled reports . Should you wish to know about this new functionality only, you can access this single course without having to complete a whole Learning Path (this option is only available for Netcall colleagues and any members of the Netcall Community, customers will have access to this course once they enrol on to one of the Supervisor Learning Paths highlighted above)
These Learning Paths and courses are accessed via the myNetcall training portal
Once logged in;
To access a specific Learning Path :
- Change the Dashboard option in the top left hand corner of the screen to Catalogue
- Select Learning Paths at the top of the page
- Select Liberty Converse from the Product Suites option within the filter panel on the left of the screen. Click Apply
- A list of the Learning Paths outlined above will be shown. Click Enrol to add a Path to your profile. You will then be taken back to your dashboard page from where you can start the Learning Path
- Repeat the steps above to enrol on any additional Learning Paths
To access the Liberty Converse: Supervisor - Reports course only
- Change the Dashboard option in the top left hand corner of the screen to Catalogue
- Search for Liberty Converse: Supervisor - Reports within the search option at the top of the page
- Once the course is opened, click Enrol in the top right hand corner of the page to add it to your profile. You will then be taken back to your dashboard page from where you can start the course
They are not stopping there though. More content is in development with courses covering Liberty Connect and updates to courses covering Dashboards and Agent Evaluation coming soon.
If you have questions on any of the above please feel free to contact the team at
I hope you enjoy learning all about the Liberty Converse Contact Centre.
Cheers, Tony