Our Community and You!

Hello Everyone,

I wanted to introduce myself to any of you I’ve not had dealings with yet. My name is Mark Pearson and I am the Netcall AppShare Manager. My role is to oversee AppShare content and assist with helping to resolve your Liberty Create Forum Queries.

As part of my role I am looking to find ways that we can work with you to improve the quantity of Create content available for everyone to take advantage of, via the AppShare. If you have built anything in Create, be it an App, Widget, Module, Presenter, or any other little piece of work, that you think others might find useful, we’d be delighted if you were to submit it to us to offer to Community Members on the AppShare. It’s easy to do and will help us build a richer Community for us all.

You are all also welcome to get involved in threads on the Forum, and help others resolve build queries. Many heads are better than one.

With regards to the contribution of AppShare content, please also remember that our “App of the Year” competition is happening soon, and Lisa is blogging about this! Finally, if you have any queries regarding the AppShare, Contributing, or issues with content you have downloaded, please don’t hesitate to contact me directly, and I will do my best to assist you in any way I can.

Best Regards,

Mark Pearson – AppShare Manager

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