Hi there, I’m fairly new to create and used to developing using a methodology of completing testing in test environment, promoting partial snapshots of the tested environment to live, then having the build environment copy the live environment. Is this something we can do in create? Or do we always need to promote from build?
further info, we have a 3 environment setup with build, test and live. Would we be able to add a UAT environment for live candidates, but retain a test environment for functional (usability, smoke, integration, performance tests etc) and exploratory (security, bugs, sanity etc)? Could we then promote from test to live after UAT testing in UAT? Do netcall set the protocol or do we define it ourselves? Thanks
You can more or less have any environments you want - I think depending on your controller configuration Netcall recommend less than 5.
Snapshots can be installed (promoted) into environments in almost any order. Its really up to you to define what your promotion process actually involves - the system does not really limit you.
You can make your process as simple or complicated as you like. You can even re-raise new snapshots in downstream environments if that suits your purposes.
I would say though keep it simple and bear in mind there is a difference between Partner and Client Controllers.
Client led environments “should” be in the client controller and for most people a simple BUILD (STAGING) - TEST - LIVE is usually sufficient at that point.
All other types of testing and development would typically be done in the Partner controller environments.
Great thanks Haydn! Looking forward to experimenting with it.