Hi All,
We have phones on-site that still make calls between each other outside of Liberty Converse. When these phones are not answered we have it transferring to a new extension which we have routed into Liberty to use as a “voicemail” number.
Essentially this routes into a dialogue that works out the incoming numbers extension (last 4 digits), saves as a variable, uses this to lookup the associated user, then transfers to the Messenger+ mailbox. This works without issue.
Some departments want a custom prompt to be played before the call is transferred to the Messenger+ mailbox. Without the ability to manually upload a custom prompt per user we have had to insert a logic block that checks the previously worked out extension number, checks to see if it matches anything and then will either transfer out to another dialogue or if there is no match it will continue to pass to the Messenger+ mailbox.
Once the call is now in the second queue, we play the message but then need to determine which users mailbox to send the call to. As we have previously worked out the extension number, is there a way of passing this variable through from the first dialogue to the second dialogue? I can see there is a “pass value to service”, but I can’t seem to get this to work how I had hoped.
Any ideas?
Hi @john.lees What is the custom prompt that is required? Doesn’t have to be the exact prompt but more the reason/requirements for it? Based on this there may be a better way of doing what you are looking to do.
Hi Jonathan,
I work in Mental Health, and the custom prompts are for relaying critical information to the caller prior to them having the option to leave a voicemail. This information can be can be specific per department and would include recommendations for external agencies to contact out of hours in the face of a crisis.
HI, thanks for that. Just want to understand, if this message is to be played before someone can leave a message in a mailbox, would it not be easier to record a custom greeting in the mailbox itself for each one? This way the mailbox owner can update this as required and you wouldn’t need to go through a Dialogue.
If you are diverting numbers into Liberty, this can be used based on the 4 digit numbers to directly enter the mailbox.
Would this solve your requirement?
Hi Jonathan.
It would be a perfect solution if there was a facility to upload a greeting via the web.
Due to the length of the message (40 seconds plus in some cases) and that we have multiple users in a department requiring the same message on their individual phones with the voicemail going to their own mailbox, having the staff successfully record the same message over and over again in an office environment feels like it would ultimately be a poorer experience for the calling user.
Having read previous posts and looked through the documentation, I understand why Netcall don’t allow voicemail greetings to be managed via the web, but in some scenarios such as this it would solve the problem immediately.
Regardless of the above, can you pass a variable from one dialogue into another?
Hi @john.lees Yes an upload button would be very helpful (perhaps add it to the ideas portal as a feature request for messenger+).
But to answer your other question - Yes you can pass variables to other Dialogues.
First off, in your transfer block, Click the Pass Value to Service button
Then, add in a meaningful name in name field and then select your stored Variable using the variable button.
That will pass through the variable to another Dialogue.
In the next Dialogue (the one you are transferring to) you can call on this variable by using the option of Context. So where you and to draw on the Variable you have passed through you would use %Context.Name% (where Name is the name of your Variable).
Hope that makes sense. Let us know if you need further clarification and/or if it worked.
Thanks Jonathan, I was nearly there but hadn’t understood how the %Context% variable worked.
Thanks for your assistance, and I will certainly put a suggestion in on the Idea’s portal.