Placing an automatic busy code

Hi - I was wondering if there was a way of automatically triggering busy codes?

Example: Agent has been scheduled to be on a break at 10:15. Agent is on an active call until 10:13 or 10:20. Soon as the Agent completes the call/wrap up, Netcall automatically places them on a pre-defined busy code (in this case “break”)? This stops the Agent from taking another call.

This to ensure Agents are adhering to their shedule breaks - otherwise we find overlaps in breaks if an Agent forgets to take their breaks as per their schedule.


Hi @Mpatel the WFM module with Shifts and Rotas would work really well for you here. Although it won’t automatically place your Agent onto the busy code, it will alert them to the fact they should be on the busy code or back from it. This can then be reported against on how their adherence to the schedule you have set is. - If you don’t have the WFM module do reach out to your account manager, with regards to the idea to force an Agent onto and off a busy code then do raise this as an Idea on the Ideas Portal (Under Resources at the top of the page).

Hope this helps.

Many thanks.
