Hi, is there a way to run a report that shows how many times an internal number has been called and the results of it i.e. call transferred, no answer etc. I have tried in the interactions report but can’t get what I need.
Hi, is there a way to run a report that shows how many times an internal number has been called and the results of it i.e. call transferred, no answer etc. I have tried in the interactions report but can’t get what I need.
HI Vanessa, you can run an Interactions report on that number and then can see the outcome of each call.
Here you can see the Result (Answered/Abandoned/Redirected/Transferred) and if/where the call was transferred to.
Does that provide you with what you need?
What do I select from the More drop down list. I’m wanting to find calls to an internal number so the Customer category does not fit.
HI Vanessa, sorry for the delay, yes the Customer field works for all numbers both in and outbound and internal/external.