Save / resume email

I want to be able to email the user a link so that they can resume a form.
I have created a field called “URL” in the object for this form.
How can I set the value of this to the URL of the form that a user is currently working on?

Hi, you can use the link feature in an email to link to any authenticated webpage. This will give them a tokenised/secure link. We normally link to a landing page where the user validates their identity (using a couple of bits of data from p1 of the form (postcode, surname etc). This landing page will then take the user to the first auth page of the form upon successful validation.

Another consideration when doing this is that your form should hide all fields after its been submitted, as you don’t want people coming back after submission and changing their details.

You may also want to make the auth pages expire after x days (and put this in the email to manage expectations).

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Hi Kevin,

I think we are planning not to use a pin etc.
How can I get the form to open on page 1 from such links? I have tried putting a page load event of “go to page 1” but this stops the form from being able to progress at all.

What would be the approach for hiding all the fields if a form has been submitted?
On my form the “form completed” value is always showing as “Yes”, so I can’t use that to differentiate:

Left is a form that’s been submitted, right is a new form:

If p1 is a public page it wont work, it needs to be an authenticated page (with the context id etc). The email needs to have the same base object as the page too (if its different you can use a page include to redirect to a different base object though)

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Hi Kevin,
The form is set up as an “authenticated webpage”.
Should the base object of the page be “Case” or the actual object for the form?

We try to make the base object of all of our forms case (where possible), however it doesn’t really matter, so long as the rule and the email are the same base object as the page triggering the email to go out, and the same as the page the url in the email links to.

Sorry, I’ll try something else