5th Feb - Introducing Role Approval
Join us to see the new, widely requested, Role Approval feature. Spark makes it very easy to add roles while mapping a process but what happens when different Editors are adding the same roles, often with slightly different spellings. This new feature gives you control and visibility of roles and allows you to approve them for use.
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12th Feb - Mapping Manual versus Automated Steps
The Activity Type feature allows you to clearly indicate whether an activity is manual or automated. But when should you use these? What if an activity is partially automated? Does it make sense to include an activity that is fully automated? Chris will answer these questions and more.
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19th Feb - Using the Scope Tool
With the Scope tool in Spark you can filter reports based on specific processes, folders and even tags. But, did you know you can even filter by Activity Type and Custom Field. In this session Craig will show you how this works and provide examples where it can be useful.
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26th Feb - Introducing Frameworks
We’re very excited to share the upcoming frameworks feature! Frameworks represent structured information that sits independently from, but related to, your processes. Examples include regulatory frameworks, standards (e.g. ISO 9001, 27001 etc.), risk & control frameworks etc. In this session Colin with share how you can define risks and controls and then relate those to steps in your process and how you can report on them for compliance purposes. There are many uses for frameworks so we are really interested to hear your ideas so we can share these in future drop in sessions.