We are looking for advice on how to supervise a call to a skill or queue within Liberty rather than a number. We would like a caller to be put through to an agent if they are logged into the queue out with normal working hours. If there are no agents logged in, we need the call to divert to an external mobile. We have explored the ‘If no agents are logged in or on error, route to’ option however, it is very time specific when we would need the call to divert to the mobile and on an adhoc basis.
HI, @wardr1, I’d be happy to talk options with you; drop me a direct message with your email, and we can find a time. We can then report back here with our solution.
@wardr1 has a Contact Centre Group where an agent can log in outside core hours. She wants calls to be routed to this agent if logged in; if not, calls should be directed to the out-of-hours mobile. This routing should only occur outside of the established core hours. During core hours, calls should go to the agents within the group.
We could not use the rerouting option for no agents logged in, as this only takes effect during core hours. Therefore, we needed to find an alternative solution.
The Solution
We changed the Out of Hours calls process in the Dialogue by adding a Query and a Logic Block.
During core hours, calls will go to the Pre-Transfer Message as usual. Calls outside of core hours will check if an agent is logged in. If an agent is logged in, the call will route as it does during core hours. Calls will transfer to the on-call mobile if no agent is logged in, per the standard out-of-hours procedure.
Select Get Live Agent Stats by Skill in the Dropdown list.
Enter the name of your Contact Centre Group and Skill (these must be as written in your Contact Centre Group and Skill Settings).
Create a Variable using %% and adding your Variable name, here, we used %availableagents%.
If the query is successful, we will move to a new Logic Block called “Check Available Agents Logged In.” We will follow the usual Out of Hours process if the query fails.
In the IF statement, click the Variable button and choose the variable name you created. Then, select the .Loggedin option, we used**%availableagents.LoggedIn%**. Set this option to Greater Than and enter 0 as the value.
We then set this to our normal In Hours route.
If no Agents were logged in, we route Out of Hours.
And that is the solution we used to solve this query.
If you have more questions, @wardr1 , please reach out. If anyone else has a question, feel free to post it, and we can all work together to help.