The importance of Process Purpose

On the 10th July we had the pleasure to welcome Mirko Kloppenburg, from the New Process Podcast, to our weekly Drop In.

Having recently attended a session that Mirko delivered on how to define the purpose of a process I thought it would be useful for him to share this with the Spark community.

For those that have attended our training and onboarding sessions will know that we always recommend defining a purpose for each process you create in Spark. Although we don’t go into much detail on how to define it, we believe it’s a valuable tool to help clarify processes.

We recommend one or two sentences that clearly describe why we need a given process. This helps to avoid ambiguity, keep stakeholders focused and ensure you are indeed capturing the right process!

Mirko’s guidance is focused more around larger core processes but this means you can cascade this down into sub-processes too.

If you would like a copy of Mirko’s slides, send me a message and I will forward them to you.

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