Where to find Converse IDs for API

We’re having a look at Converse API’s however struggling to find the ID’s needed for the payload.

Where can i find ID’s for Group, Queue & Skill?

When looking in Contact Centre > Groups i can see Group ID & Queue ID - however when i look in the ‘Recent Call’s’ report different ID’s are shown.

Thanks in advance.

Hi @Karl. The Group/Queue IDs are used when you want to use the Supervisor Telephone User Interface (TUI) that was used for recording additional messages to callers (although we now recommend these messages are done within a Dialogue as it provides better reporting, these IDs remain).

My question to you is, what are you looking to do with the Converse API? If I can understand what you are looking to achieve, I can perhaps suggest another way.


Jonathan Redsell

Hi Karl,

There’s 2 different ways to you can get the ID’s, the recommended way to get the ID’s if your Converse System is on a version that supports the Groups API.

If you call: https://hostname/api/liberty/2/partitions/{partitonId}/acd/groups

That will return a list of all the groups for the requested partition, along with the Group ID, the Queues for each group and all Skills.

If you don’t have access to the Groups API, the unpleasant way would be to look in the URL for the ID’s requried.

For example to get the Group ID:

To get the Queue ID:

However, you can’t get the Skill ID from the URL.

I highly recommend you use the Groups API to get the IDs as you want, as this makes future groups, queues and skills easier.

Hope this helps!

Thanks @JonathanRedsell. I’m looking at the ‘Create Interaction’ API. The Request URL has the following;

POST /api/liberty/1/partitions/{partitionId}/acd/groups/{groupId}/interactions

The Payload includes: queueId & requiredSkillId

In the system admin pages i’ve found ‘gid’ and ‘qid’ in the URL which work for GroupID & QueueID - maybe there is an easier way to find these?

I can’t locate Skill ID anywhere.

Thanks @Jwoolley @JonathanRedsell that’s what i needed.
